Astazi am participat la Crosul Padurii, cursa de 10 km pe care am castigat-o la categoria de varsta + 35. E prima mea participare la un concurs pe aceasta distanta si, sub imperiul emotiilor victoriei, ma gandesc sa maresc miza :).
Multumesc Adinei pentru suport si poze.
Multumesc Virgil pentru tempo si Marian pentru antrenamente.
What I find so inertesting is you could never find this anywhere else.
Hi,Just started my real estate blog. My main thrust of the blog will be to post information strictly about real estate and home maintenance.I am wondering how many people really read about real estate statistics. My background is financial “and numbers are my game.”If anyone has some suggestions to improve it, please let me know. You can check it out – the url is: Thanks in advance for any input.